Monday, March 5, 2012

Little Things

After waking up this morning to my phone alarm energetically pumping out cutting island tones, I stumbled out of bed to get ready for the day. Monday mornings aren't my favorite thing in the world, but this morning hasn't been so terrible.

The braid in my hair turned out like I wanted it to, I got to wear my favorite scarf, I found a great parking spot on campus, climbing the seemingly mile-high stairs wasn't as laborious today, the professor that I TA for commended my grading efforts for the class's midterm, and now I'm sitting in my favorite building on campus looking out of large windows at an amazing view of snow-glazed mountains emerged in sunlight.

It truly is the little things in life that make it worth living for me. I find more happiness in my life when I learn to pay attention to things like a breeze, a smile, the sound of rain, the smell of new books, and millions of other little miracles that constantly surround me.

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." ~Robert Brault


  1. Nice post--I love to sit back once in awhile and just think about all the little things in my life that make me happy. It's a good attitude adjustment sometimes.

    By the way, I love the background of your blog--very cool!

  2. It is the little things that make a big difference in our lives. I love the list of items which make up the second paragraph. Keep noticing, it makes great writing material.

  3. Love it! I felt the same way this morning as I watched the sun come up and dance over the frosted bushes on my drive to work. :)

  4. Take the last paragraph and the quote and keep it somewhere close. On a stormy and no-good-day you'll need it to remind yourself of this lesson you learned early in your life. I still sometimes forget it.
    You wrote beautifully.
